• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Tired all the time


Jul 12, 2010
I'll start out by explaining a little, I do have fibromyalgia, which can cause chronic fatigue. This seems to be going beyond reasonable though. I'm staying hydrated, getting a nap every day and am so tired it's hard to do anything. I take vitamins with a b-complex and a juice supplement to help with the fibro pain, and well as medication for pain relief.

If anyone has suggestions, I would appreciate. For now I'm going to make sure I eat alot of produce and stay active.
I'm going to mention a few supplements I find energizing but I'm going to qualify I don't know how they interact w/ fibromyalgia and if you are under a Doctor's care you ought to get his opinion especially regarding interactions with meds.

Gotu cola, DMAE, vinpocetine, eleuthoro (Siberian ginseng). Even though I can feel very disinclined when tired exercise, even though I dreaded it, usually leaves me energized and feeling good.
plenty of raw fresh greens? daily exercise?... lactose intolerant?... gluten intolerant?